Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Pinterest.. please explain.

So, here`s my first serious rant. This is the rant that inspired this blog actually. There`s a blog out there in the interwebs, called the Honest Toddler. In that blog the author constantly references Pinterest and the sub culture of staging fake photos to post so other people will be jealous. Now, people what the actual fuck? I`m only going to touch on the idea of parents doing this in order to shame other parents into feeling inferior. Because mom shaming is a thing that runs rampant all over the western world and it makes me super mad. But seriously, if everyone is faking these so called amazing pinterest photos then there's nothing to be jealous of right? That makes real sense right? I can`t be the only person who has figured this out. Are we as a culture to obsessed with making each other jealous that we are now making each other jealous of things that don`t exist? Like this bullshit, my baby is better than your baby because all of his clothes are home-made and recycled out of flour sacks. But actually once the camera is off your baby is back in their walmart clothes that we all buy because they are cheap and kids wreck shit. But I`m supposed to feel back because I don`t have any pictures of my children in recycled flour sack shirts so I make one and post a picture of it and so and so forth as infinitum  This is what we have been reduced to. Or people re pinning pictures of someone else's elaborate home-made birthday party and saying that its going to inspire them to do something just like that only BETTER for their child, but when birthday time comes its cake from a box and 7 dirty toddlers destroying your house. Do we really all live in this fantasy world inside pinterest that doesn`t actually even exist because the majority of people are bullshitting so they`ll feel good about their fake shit? Is there a reason we can`t all accept reality and start being happy with the way our lives really are? To be fair, I don`t actually pinterest this is just the general perception I have gathered so if you have an answer for me please, explain.

PS Please excuse the mental punctuation of this post, my keyboard has gone into Euro mode and I can`t figure out how to fix it. If you have an answer for that, it would also be welcome.

1 comment:

  1. This post is totally a 'You know what really grinds my gears?' moment. :) I don't have any answers for you, because I also think Pinterest is stupid. Although I used to think that Twitter was stupid and now I'm a TwitWhore. So we'll see what happens.
    P.S. I only have one answer for your computer problem, but I won't say it, because you already know what it is. ;)
