Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Welcome and so on

It has been said, in some circles that I should start a blog. So here I am, please don't expect any consistency, except maybe to rant about the news. Hence the title. I have a lot of opinions. And it has been said, as I said, that I should share them. So we'll see where that goes. Other background stuff, I'm a mom of two. Occasionally my children's antics may make there way into my blog. One of my children has Aspergers Syndrome but the "blog about my kid with ASD" has been done to death, so I'll try to stay away from that, unless I'm super frustrated in which case you should have that information for future reference. I'm getting ready to go to university this September, so expect to hear a lot about that. OH Also, I'm 27.. just putting that out there. I'm also in the midst of embarking on a weight loss journey, I'm pretty over weight and I feel pretty crappy about it a lot of the time, so far I've lost 15 lbs! Go me! There may be updates on that. I'm kind of a crazy person some times, anxiety and some pretty severe learned helplessness tends to stop me from doing things out of fear of rejection. So that's a thing. Scared yet? Mostly this will be ramblings, ventings of frustration, exclamations of joy and anything else that pops into my head. Anything else you need to know will hopefully become apparent with time. See ya.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally terrified. :) And with you every step of the way!
